If you are a small business owner, then you are probably wondering if blog content, blog content writing, and a blog content calendar are going to be worth the time and effort. However, having a blog for content marketing is something that really is a must for business owners.
Blog marketing is something that is fairly simple, as well as being inexpensive, and it can go a long way to help your business marketing efforts. A blog content strategy and ideas for blog content can be done in-house, but you can also look to use blog content writing services if you are inexperienced in this area or blog content ideas, or you just prefer to outsource to something with experience of a blog content plan.
You can read our previous post on 6 Blog Marketing Tips to Grow Your Audience to learn how to easily get more audience on your site.

Why should you use blogging as a marketing tool; what really are the benefits? Here are some of the ways that using a blog content creator, like us at tedbree.com can help your website and your brand.
Drives traffic to your website
For any brand that has an online presence, you will want to get more traffic to your website. When you get more traffic to your site, you can help your business as more people will know about you, and with the right things in place, those site visitors can become loyal customers. Every time that there is a blog post written, it means that a new page on your website is indexed. That means that there is another chance for you to appear in a search engine search and drive organic traffic to your site as a result.
Your blog content management also helps to keep your brand’s social media presence going. You don’t need to think up new content for social media, as if there are blog posts to share already, then you can link back to those on your channels. Knowing how to write blog content is important, but think about how blog content can be shared too. Keep it relevant to your audience and your brand, and then it can be used in other ways. When you do this with your social channels, it helps to strengthen your social reach, and at the same time, helps to drive traffic to your website.
Help your brand to be known as a leader in your industry

It doesn’t matter what kind of brand you have or the size of your business; you need to think about getting some clout and trust in the industry sector that your business is in. This can be done by providing useful, valuable, and expert information in the form of a blog. When this is done, and the content is shared and found online, it will help your website to be a resource that others will go to for informative and relevant content. This can help your conversion rates with site visitors to customers, and importantly, helps you to compete with bigger businesses as you will have gained some clout and credibility.
Generate Leads
It can be all well and good getting more traffic to your website through blog content. But you need to make sure that you use the content wisely, in order to be able to use it to help you to generate leads. This can be done by leveraging your blog to make sure that you get email addresses from interested visitors. You can do this by asking them to subscribe to your posts, and then the emails can be used for marketing. The interested leads will then see your blog posts, but they can also see emails from a marketing point of view so that you can send them promotions and discounts, and more. When you connect with a lead more and more, then higher the chance that they will convert to a regular customer.
Develop customer relationships

When you create blog content, it allows you to connect with your website visitors and develop more of a relationship with them. Blog posts can have comments on them, as well as when they are shared on social channels, so you can use those to allow comments and respond. This allows feedback and helps you to gain an insight into your customer’s thoughts, needs, and feelings on things. When you interact, you create a rapport with your audience. This helps to build trust and helps you to get some valuable insight into what our customers want.
In Conclusion, are you interested in blog content and blogging strategy for your business? We can help as we are the only platform that you will need to start and then grow your online business. Get in touch with us today @ Tedbree.com to see how we can help.