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Photoshop is a powerful tool for creating graphics, photos, and videos. Its features allow you to edit photographs, add text, and design logos. We will look at a top tool that can also be found in photoshop and other tools that can substitute photoshop. What’s more? A lot of them are free with new features! Let’s look at some of these tools!

1. Canva

If you need something more than just a simple image using tools inside photoshop, then you'll probably want to try Canva. However, it's a bit more complicated than Illustrator but has many more features. It also costs money, so it might be worth waiting until you need it before buying if you're unsure whether you need it. In the meantime, you can use other design tools that are free.


Some of its amazing features include:

Converting Videos to GIFs

Not many design tools allow you to convert part of your videos to GIFs, but Canva allows you to easily convert your videos to GIFs online in simple steps for free. You can customize your GIFs from the best parts of your videos and create socially engaging, sarcastic or hilarious GIFs.

Adding Music to your videos.

As you know, the music captures the mood. Canva tool allows you to get your audience in the right mood by adding the perfect music to your videos to keep your audience glued to your videos, and it also allows you to create and share them on all your social platform for free!

Learn more on Branding and the key elements of Branding within a few minutes here!

2. Pixlr


Pixlr Editor is one of the easiest online photo editing tools available. With it, you can edit photos, add text, crop, resize, rotate, flip, adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, and more. Quite recently, Pixlr also made some updates to its products, but some of its unique features cover:

The Social Media Integration Feature

This feature enables users to now connect their social media channels for easy sharing and connecting with their customers from all channels.

The In-Built Templates Feature.

It also have bundles of pre-designed templates for all types of designs for every industry. So you can easily select one and edit it to fit your brand. Easy peasy!

3. Adobe Photoshop CC

The Adobe Photoshop CC has many new amazing features, and luckily, I found the perfect video of it just for you! Courtesy of Bring Your Own Laptop! So check out the below video to learn more!

4. Adobe Illustrator CC

There are lots of different ways and tools to make graphics, but one of the easiest is with Adobe Illustrator. It's a vector drawing program that allows you to draw shapes and lines using simple commands. Simply put, you can resize them without losing quality and easily edit them later, and some of its amazing features include:

Adobe Illustrator
  • Hand lettering designs that help improve freehand illustrations.
  • You can resize and add backgrounds in logo designs.
  • Includes realistic brush strokes.
  • Provides access to Adobe Stock assets.
  • You can export high-quality designs in multiple sizes to multiple dimensions.


GIMP is great for editing photos in more advanced ways. More importantly, you can use the clone tool to get rid of details you don't need or the new healing tool to fix small problems quickly.

Also, the perspective clone tool makes it easy to copy objects while keeping their perspective in mind, just like with the orthogonal clone. All these GIMP tools make your design a masterpiece!

Did I miss out on your favourite design tools? Or do you have tools you’d love for me to mention? Let me know in the comments!