What is a website’s bounce rate and what is a good website’s bounce rate? A website’s bounce rate is all about how long site visitors hang around. Do they stay for a while, or do they just bounce away to a different site? A website bounce rate is the number of people who land on one of your site pages and then leave without looking at anything else.

The bounce rate of a website will indicate that they didn’t find what they were looking for, or that the site was slow and not user-friendly. Having a high bounce on website rate is a big deal because it shows that site visitors aren’t looking for more, they aren’t clicking on any of your calls to action, and they aren’t converting to customers.

A website’s bounce rate average should be between 26% and 70%, but the average website bounce rate by industry can vary slightly. Maintaining at around 50% is good, but being able to reduce it lower to under 40% is excellent.

If you want to reduce the website’s bounce rate or check the bounce rate of a website, then we at MadewithBree can help. Being focused on creating, managing, and updating business website’s is what we do, and knowing where you’re at with bounce rate does make a difference to your inbound marketing. Here are some of the things that you can do to help to reduce your website bounce rate and improve bounce rate website analytics.

Attract The Right Visitors

Reasons, why your bounce rate would be high, is that you are not getting the right people to your site. You don’t just want lots of traffic. The traffic that you want needs to be people who are interested in what you do, and who can convert to leads.

What you can do to help this is to have different landing pages with some unique content, and then use different keywords for the different things that your business does. When this is clear, then the people finding your site will be finding it because of what your business does.

Having some useful meta descriptions can be important for search engine users, so they know what to expect of your site. You should also look to improve your online advertising campaigns, if any, to better target your ideal customer. Then using a website’s bounce rate checker, you will be able to see what a difference it is making.

Enhance Usability

If you want to reduce your bounce rate then you should look to make your text more readable and user-friendly. Planning the site layout, using large and clear fonts, as well as using things like bullet points, lists, headlines and colour, can all make a difference. When designing the website, look for a well-organized, responsive layout, that allows quick and easy navigation, and that works on all platforms like mobile devices and tablets.

Speed Up Page Load Time

With so much being at people’s fingertips, they don’t have the time or patience to sit and wait for a web page to load. That means that if yours is slow to load, people are likely to just click away, impacting the website’s bounce rate. The things that you can do to help are:

  • Avoid using too much (or any) self-loading multimedia content.
  • Have any external links in content open in a new tab or window.
  • Place any ads to the sides of your site, and avoid having pop-ups or multimedia ads.

Offer Quality Content

All of the content on your website needs to have an obvious message. If things aren’t clear, then people will just click away as they don’t want to read through lots of fine print to find out what they came looking for. That is why clear headers and use of sub-headings are important, as well as breaking up the content with images. Think about the site visitors that you intend to attract to your site as well.

This will help you to tailor your content to them, as it will work differently for different people. Make sure that content is free of errors, and having a call-to-action on the page is a must too. You can’t convert customers and have them stick around for longer if there isn’t a clear and easy way for them to do just that.

In summary, for any more advice or guidance on your website’s bounce rate, including what we can do to help you design and manage your website, get in touch with us today.